Amber Event | “Order out of Chaos” Book Launch

On the auspicious day of February 29, 2024, within the elegantly appointed offices of Amberfinancial, aglow with the gentle promises of early spring, celebrated Chinese-American author Ms. Zhang Jieru unveiled her latest literary venture, “Order out of Chaos” to an audience that spanned the spectrum of literary aficionados, from the esteemed president and distinguished faculty members of the Fudan University Alumni Association to avid readers, supportive family and friends, and devoted fans of literature.

In the warm glow of the book launch, Ms. Zhang introduced her newest anthology, “Order out of Chaos” a meticulously curated collection that assembles the rich tapestry of her musings, shared with the world since 2016 through her WeChat public account by the same name. The volume traverses a myriad of subjects, from piercing analyses of contemporary news and the intricate dance of gender relations, to introspective journeys from a woman’s perspective, heartfelt dialogues with the young, reflective musings on diverse cultural festivities, and insightful critiques spanning literature, theater, and film, interspersed with poignant reflections penned during the solitude of the pandemic.

The author then delved into the wellspring of her inspiration, sharing the intimate journey that led to the creation of her book, her aspirations, the meandering path of her writing process, and the serendipitous moment that brought her work to fruition. Notably, she revealed that the captivating cover art of “Order out of Chaos” originated from the innocent brush of her young child at three and a half years, later brought to life through the creative genius of a close friend.

Ms. Zhang also unfolded the narrative behind her compelling need to document the ebb and flow of life – an endeavor to immortalize fleeting memories and enrich the fabric of daily emotional and intellectual discourse. She provoked thought among the attendees with a riveting discourse on the authenticity of literature versus the tangible world.

The launch morphed into a vibrant forum, igniting fervent dialogues among the participants, with “In Disarray” at the heart of lively discussions. The attendees were not just spectators but active participants, offering deep-seated reflections and personal anecdotes triggered by the themes of the book. Many expressed admiration for Ms. Zhang’s incisive observation of life, while others found solace and inspiration in the passionate and romantic zeal for existence that her writings evoked.

Guest Author Introduction:

Zhang Jieru, an alumna of Fudan University’s Department of Chinese, holding a Bachelor’s in Literature and a Master’s in Gender and International Relations from the University of Bristol, UK, has graced numerous prestigious publications with her words, including ELLE, VOGUE, BAZAAR, HOW, Weekend Pictorial, Shanghai Services Herald, Shanghai Weekly, Metropolis, and Life Information.

• Her narrative masterpiece, “The Cloud on the Ground,” was honored with the Second World Chinese Literature Award for Fiction. Her thought-provoking “In Disarray” clinched the Yan Geling Literary Award in 2023.

• In the same year, she was celebrated with the “She Encourages Global Women’s Club – Cultural Communication Award.”

• A guide for many, she is a certified yoga instructor with the Yoga Alliance USA.

• Her diverse career includes pivotal roles in brand management and public relations at global powerhouses such as Ogilvy & Mather, Adidas, and the Canadian Yukon Zinc Corporation.

• Having embraced Canada as her new home since 2008, she now flourishes in the vibrant city of Vancouver.

The signing session blossomed into an extended period of rich exchange and mutual discovery, with the jubilant echoes of the day’s interactions marking the end of an unforgettable literary soiree. This event transcended the mere unveiling of a book; it was a profound communion of spirits, a celebration of life’s chaotic beauty captured in prose. Ms. Zhang, with her eloquent narrative, transformed the mosaic of everyday chaos into an anthology of exquisite vignettes, serving up a heartfelt and enchantingly romantic literary banquet. We eagerly await our next rendezvous at Amber’s forthcoming kaleidoscope of events!